National Research Foundation (NRF): Internships 2020 / 2021 in Pretoria

National Research Foundation (NRF) invites applicants to apply for Graduate / Internship Programme 2020 / 2021.
Internship Application Closing Date: 30 April 2020
Internship Provider: National Research Foundation (NRF)
Internship Location: Pretoria, Gauteng
The National Research Fund (NRF) is a principal researching funding agency of government. Following a call for institutions to hose graduate interns for the academic years 2021 to 2022, the NRF in partnershipwith the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) is launching a call for applications for graduate interns for the same period.
The Graduate Internship Programme is a two-year work experience programme for Bachelor’s graduates who will be pursuing part-time Honours studies simultaneously during the internship period.
The Graduate Internship Programme provides a unique platform for bachelor’s graduates to receive real-life work experience as well as funding for them to pursue honours studies. The NRF will provide interns with a tax-free stipend as well as an amount for Honours tuition fees over the two-year period.
- Be South African citizens in possession of a valid South African Identity Document (ID)
- Have completed a bachelor’s degree in any SET, HSS or related disciplines prior to commencement of the internship
- Have obtained a minimum of 65% for major subjects in the final undergraduate year of study
- Intending to pursue honours studies over the two-year internship
- Students intending to pursue full-time honours programmes will only be eligible if all lectures and practical sessions are held in the late afternoon and/or on weekends. Applicants must provide a timetable and letter of support from Faculty Deans confirming that the structure of the honours programme is conducive to being undertaken simultaneously with the internship programme.
- Have been funded by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) or the Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme (ISFAP) for their bachelor’s degree
- Be 27 years of age or younger on 31 December of the year of application for the Graduate Internship.
How to apply
All applicants must first identify the university where they will be registered for their honours degree before submitting an application to the NRF. All applications for the Graduate Internship Programme must be submitted on the NRF Online Submission System by accessing the link: To complete the online application template, follow the steps below:
- Register / Login using your ID number and password on the NRF Online Submission System
- Click on “My Applications” and select “Create Application”
- Select the Call for which you are applying viz. Internship Programme – Applicants 2021.
- Specify the university at which you intend to register for part-time honours studies.
- Ensure that you attach all the required documents.
- To continue working on the same application which has been saved on the system, please go to “My Applications”, “List of Applications”.
- Ensure that all sections of the application have been completed before selecting “Final Submit” for your application to be submitted to the university Designated Authority (DA)
Attach the following documents
- A certified copy of their South African ID must be attached under the Registration Details section of the online application template.
- An official academic record on the university letterhead.
- A timetable and letter of support from Faculty Deans confirming that the structure of the honours programme is conducive to being undertaken simultaneously with the internship programme.
- Applicants with outstanding fees are required to attach an official letter from the university confirming their first year of registration for the degree and indicating that the student still has outstanding fees owed to the university.
- Applicants with disabilities must upload a medical certificate, in support of the disability.
- Applicants who were previously supported by NSFAS or by ISFAP must attach proof in the form of an official university stamped financial statement or signed agreement with NSFAS or ISFAP.
Please consult the official documents before submitting queries to the NRF. You can find them here.